* Ever want to stop all the "wars of choice" the U.S. military keeps starting and getting bogged down in? All the senseless killing of people overseas who would like to be our friends instead? All the needless expense all this show of might, conquest, and sustained hostility to others involves, year after years (perhaps up to 20% of our national output and loads of financial problems and poverty for Americans -- with no return for ordinary American citizens whatsoever? All the endless propaganda that promotes all the endless military attacks and war-making and bullying other nations? Want to cut all that nonsense off at the knees? Then, LET'S DO IT! LET'S FORCE A STOP TO ALL OF THAT!!
* That seems like a tall order! Realistically, what can we do about that? Well,the good news is that there IS another type of military organization focussing on a different mission, that "Provides for the common defense", precisely as the Constitution mandates. It 's called A DEFENSE-ONLY MILITARY. If we maintained a leaner military, attuned to real, verifiable DEFENSE and deployed overwhelmingly here in the U.S.A., the nation to be defended, instead of providing and renewing a gigantic hostile attack force stationed permanently everywhere in the world, we could save our economy and the private finances of millions, defend against foreign attack (which would be much less likely), bring peace to ourselves, and stop contributing to the turbulence and chaos that rocks and perpetuates fear in the world. In other words, the needs of common Americans could be much better served. Make sense?
* If enough Americans knew about such as alternative kind of a military, which is basically what every other nation on earth already has (putting ours at a great competitive disadvantage), and demanded that our leaders put the concept into practice, WE COULD DEMOCRATICALLY FORCE ABANDONMENT OF ALL THE NUMEROUS WARS STARTED OFFENSIVELY, WITHOUT A MILITARY ATTACK ON US.
*How can I participate? Simply SPREAD THE WORD!! Read about the concept of A DEFENSE-ONLY MILITARY in the book (available on Amazon.com and lots of other places), Colonel Crystal's Parallel Universe, where it originates, and which explains it and its advantages in detail. You can register your interest and participation HERE (and there WILL BE news bulletins and maybe national teleconferences at some point),. Then simply reach out, contact and inform as many of your fellow citizens as you can,, direct them HERE, and recruit all that you can to ALSO contact others, read, register, contact more, etc., etc., etc. Until EVERYBODY knows and we have set off a vigorous and winning national debate. WE CAN DO THIS! AND THE COUNTRY AND THE WORLD WILL LOVE US FOR IT!