Colonel Crystal's Parallel Universe is a widely-available new book about a high-ranking military officer, Colonel Alva A. Crystal, USAF (Retired), once a top flight commander in the Iraq and Afghan Wars, and his sacrificial action afterward. Spurred by raging PTSD, bitter regrets, empathy and patriotism, he develops the concept of a Defense-Only Military for the United States. This model of a military force, closely resembling that of the Founding Fathers'preference, would prohibit waging militarily unprovoked war altogether, to concentrate insteadon maintaining and shoring up defenses at home. The result would be replacement of latterlyimposed interventionism and global deployment for imperialist ends, demanded by and only benefiting investors and the war industries, at the overall US economy's and taxpayers'unnecessary great expense. The book recounts Colonel Crystal's experiences and motivation and the benefits of enacting his alternative. The benefits of peace, enhanced protection, vanquishing of feared nuclear annihilation, and restoration of people power can alike berealized, devastating war-maki ng and inhumanity halted or left elsewhere, and our prosperity, once the envy of the world, restored if Americans unite to so demand. Read the book, join in! Let's get it done!
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